Source code for log

Module that handles the cluster log:

* Download from master and slaves
* Extract app data
* Extract worker data

import multiprocessing
import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta

from util.cmdshell import sshclient_from_instance

from util.utils import timing, string_to_datetime

[docs]def download_master(i, output_folder, log_folder, config): """Download log from master instance :param i: master instance :param output_folder: output folder where save the log :param log_folder: log folder on the master instance :return: output_folder and the app_id: the application id """ ssh_client = sshclient_from_instance(i, config["Aws"]["KeyPair"], user_name='ubuntu') app_id = "" for file in ssh_client.listdir("" + config["Spark"]["SparkHome"] + "spark-events/"): print("BENCHMARK: " + file) print("LOG FOLDER: " + log_folder) print("OUTPUT FOLDER: " + output_folder) app_id = file if log_folder != output_folder: output_folder = output_folder + app_id try: os.makedirs(output_folder) except FileExistsError: print("Output folder already exists") input_file = config["Spark"]["SparkHome"] + "spark-events/" + file output_bz = input_file + ".bz" print("Bzipping event log...")"pbzip2 -9 -p" + str( config["Control"]["CoreVM"]) + " -c " + input_file + " > " + output_bz) ssh_client.get_file(output_bz, output_folder + "/" + file + ".bz") for file in ssh_client.listdir(log_folder): print(file) if file != "bench-report.dat": output_file = (output_folder + "/" + file).replace(":", "-") ssh_client.get_file(log_folder + "/" + file, output_file) return output_folder, app_id
[docs]def download_slave(i, output_folder, app_id, config): """Download log from slave instance: * The worker log that includes the controller output * The cpu monitoring log :param i: the slave instance :param output_folder: the output folder where to save log :param app_id: the application :return: output_folder: the output folder """ ssh_client = sshclient_from_instance(i, config["Aws"]["KeyPair"], user_name='ubuntu') print("Downloading log from slave: " + i.public_dns_name) try: worker_ip_fixed = i.private_ip_address.replace(".", "-") worker_log = "{0}logs/spark-ubuntu-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-ip-{1}.out".format( config["Spark"]["SparkHome"], worker_ip_fixed) print(worker_log) "screen -ls | grep Detached | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kill") output_worker_log = "{0}/spark-ubuntu-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-ip-{1}.out".format( output_folder, i.private_ip_address) ssh_client.get_file(worker_log, output_worker_log) ssh_client.get_file("sar-" + i.private_ip_address + ".log", output_folder + "/" + "sar-" + i.private_ip_address + ".log") except FileNotFoundError: print("worker log not found") try: for file in ssh_client.listdir(config["Spark"]["SparkHome"] + "work/" + app_id + "/"): print("Executor ID: " + file) ssh_client.get_file( config["Spark"]["SparkHome"] + "work/" + app_id + "/" + file + "/stderr", output_folder + "/" + i.public_dns_name + "-" + file + ".stderr") except FileNotFoundError: print("stderr not found") return output_folder
[docs]def download(log_folder, instances, master_dns, output_folder, config): """ Download the logs from the master and the worker nodes :param log_folder: the log folder of the application :param instances: the instances of the cluster :param master_dns: the dns of the master instances :param output_folder: the output folder where to save the logs :return: the output folder """ # MASTER print("Downloading log from Master: " + master_dns) master_instance = [i for i in instances if i.public_dns_name == master_dns][0] output_folder, app_id = download_master(master_instance, output_folder, log_folder, config) # SLAVE with ThreadPoolExecutor(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor: for i in instances: if i.public_dns_name != master_dns: worker = executor.submit(download_slave, i, output_folder, app_id) output_folder = worker.result() return output_folder
[docs]def load_app_data(app_log_path): """ Function that parse the application data like stage ids, start, deadline, end, tasktimestamps from the app_log :param app_log_path: The log of the application with log level INFO :return: app_info dictionary """ print("Loading app data from log") dict_to_plot = {} app_info = {} app_id = "" with open(app_log_path) as app_log_fp: for line in app_log_fp: line = line.split(" ") if len(line) > 3: if line[3] == "TaskSetManager:" and line[4] == "Finished": try: app_info[app_id][int(float(line[9]))]["tasktimestamps"].append( string_to_datetime(line[1])) except (KeyError, ValueError): app_info[app_id][int(float(line[9]))]["tasktimestamps"] = [] app_info[app_id][int(float(line[9]))]["tasktimestamps"].append( string_to_datetime(line[1])) elif line[3] == "StandaloneSchedulerBackend:" and line[4] == "Connected": app_info[line[-1].rstrip()] = {} app_id = line[-1].rstrip() dict_to_plot[app_id] = {} dict_to_plot[app_id]["dealineTimeStages"] = [] dict_to_plot[app_id]["startTimeStages"] = [] dict_to_plot[app_id]["finishTimeStages"] = [] elif line[3] == "DAGScheduler:": if line[4] == "Submitting" and line[6] == "missing": stage_id = int(line[10]) app_info[app_id][stage_id] = {} app_info[app_id][stage_id]["tasks"] = int(line[5]) elif line[-4] == "finished": if app_id != "": stage_id = int(line[5]) app_info[app_id][stage_id]["end"] = string_to_datetime(line[1]) if len(dict_to_plot[app_id]["startTimeStages"]) > len( dict_to_plot[app_id]["finishTimeStages"]): dict_to_plot[app_id]["finishTimeStages"].append( app_info[app_id][stage_id]["end"]) print("END {1}: {0}".format(app_info[app_id][stage_id]["end"], stage_id)) elif line[3] == "ControllerJob:": if line[5] == "INIT": size_finish = len(dict_to_plot[app_id]["finishTimeStages"]) + 1 if len(dict_to_plot[app_id]["dealineTimeStages"]) < size_finish: stage_id = int(line[12].replace(",", "")) app_info[app_id][stage_id]["start"] = string_to_datetime(line[1]) print( "START {1}: {0}".format(app_info[app_id][stage_id]["start"], stage_id)) dict_to_plot[app_id]["startTimeStages"].append( app_info[app_id][stage_id]["start"]) deadline_ms = float(line[16].replace(",", "")) print(deadline_ms) app_info[app_id][stage_id]["deadline"] = \ dict_to_plot[app_id]["startTimeStages"][-1] \ + timedelta(milliseconds=deadline_ms) dict_to_plot[app_id]["dealineTimeStages"].append( app_info[app_id][stage_id]["deadline"]) elif line[5] == "NEEDED" and line[4] == "SEND": next_app_id = line[-1].replace("\n", "") if app_id != next_app_id: app_id = next_app_id dict_to_plot[app_id] = {} dict_to_plot[app_id]["dealineTimeStages"] = [] dict_to_plot[app_id]["startTimeStages"] = [] dict_to_plot[app_id]["finishTimeStages"] = [] return app_info
[docs]def load_worker_data(worker_log, cpu_log, config): """ Load the controller data from the worker_log and combine with the cpu_real data from cpu_log :param worker_log: the path of the log of the worker :param cpu_log: the path of the cpu monitoring tool log of the worker :param config: the configuration dictionary :return: worker_dict the dictionary of the worker's data """ print(worker_log) print(cpu_log) worker_dict = {} with open(worker_log) as wlog: app_id = "" worker_dict["cpu_real"] = [] worker_dict["time_cpu"] = [] sid = -1 for line in wlog: line = line.split(" ") if len(line) > 3: if line[4] == "Created" and app_id != "": if sid != int(line[8]): sid = int(line[8]) worker_dict[app_id][sid] = {} worker_dict[app_id][sid]["cpu"] = [] worker_dict[app_id][sid]["time"] = [] worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp_real"] = [] worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp"] = [] worker_dict[app_id][sid]["cpu"].append(float(line[-1].replace("\n", ""))) worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp_real"].append(0.0) worker_dict[app_id][sid]["time"].append(string_to_datetime(line[1])) worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp"].append(0.0) if line[4] == "Scaled": # print(l) if app_id == "" or app_id != line[10]: next_app_id = line[10] try: worker_dict[next_app_id] = {} app_id = next_app_id except KeyError: print(next_app_id + " NOT FOUND BEFORE IN BENCHMARK LOGS") if app_id != "": if line[4] == "CoreToAllocate:": # print(l) worker_dict[app_id][sid]["cpu"].append(float(line[-1].replace("\n", ""))) if line[4] == "Real:": worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp_real"].append( float(line[-1].replace("\n", ""))) if line[4] == "SP": worker_dict[app_id][sid]["time"].append(string_to_datetime(line[1])) # print(l[-1].replace("\n", "")) progress = float(line[-1].replace("\n", "")) # print(sp) if progress < 0.0: worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp"].append(abs(progress) / 100) else: worker_dict[app_id][sid]["sp"].append(progress) with open(cpu_log) as cpu_log_fp: for line in cpu_log_fp: line = line.split(" ") if not ("Linux" in line[0].split(" ") or "\n" in line[0].split(" ")) \ and line[1] != " CPU" and line[0] != "Average:": worker_dict["time_cpu"].append( dt.strptime(line[0], '%I:%M:%S %p').replace(year=2016)) if config["Aws"]["HyperThreading"]: cpu_real = float( '{0:.2f}'.format((float(line[2]) * config["Control"]["CoreVM"] * 2) / 100)) else: cpu_real = float( '{0:.2f}'.format((float(line[2]) * config["Control"]["CoreVM"]) / 100)) worker_dict["cpu_real"].append(cpu_real) print(list(worker_dict.keys())) return worker_dict