Config Module

Configuration module of cSpark test benchmark

config.BENCHMARK_BENCH = ['PageRank']

Spark-bench benchmark to execute

config.BENCHMARK_PERF = []

Spark-perf benchmark to execute

config.BENCH_CONF = {'DecisionTree': {'NUM_OF_PARTITIONS': (4, 1200), 'NUM_OF_FEATURES': (3, 6), 'MAX_ITERATION': (21, 1), 'NUM_OF_EXAMPLES': (2, 50000000), 'NUM_OF_CLASS_C': (7, 10)}, 'scala-sort-by-key': {'ScaleFactor': 100}, 'scala-count': {'ScaleFactor': 10}, 'scala-sort-by-key-int': {'ScaleFactor': 50}, 'scala-agg-by-key-int': {'ScaleFactor': 5}, 'scala-agg-by-key-naive': {'ScaleFactor': 10}, 'KMeans': {'NUM_OF_CLUSTERS': (3, 10), 'MAX_ITERATION': (8, 1), 'NUM_OF_POINTS': (2, 100000000), 'NUM_OF_PARTITIONS': (6, 1000), 'DIMENSIONS': (4, 20), 'SCALING': (5, 0.6)}, 'scala-agg-by-key': {'ScaleFactor': 10}, 'PageRank': {'NUM_OF_PARTITIONS': (3, 1000), 'NumTrials': 1, 'numV': (2, 7000000), 'MAX_ITERATION': (8, 1)}, 'scala-count-w-fltr': {'ScaleFactor': 10}, 'SVM': {'NUM_OF_PARTITIONS': (4, 1000), 'NUM_OF_FEATURES': (3, 10), 'NUM_OF_EXAMPLES': (2, 200000000), 'MAX_ITERATION': (7, 1)}}

Setting of the supported benchmark

config.CLUSTER_ID = '1'

Id of the cluster with the launched instances

config.CREDENTIAL_PROFILE = 'cspark'

Credential profile name of AWS

config.DATA_AMI = {'eu-west-1': {'az': 'eu-west-1c', 'price': '0.3', 'ami': 'ami-d3225da0', 'keypair': 'gazzettaEU'}, 'us-west-2': {'az': 'us-west-2c', 'price': '0.25', 'keypair': 'gazzetta', 'ami': 'ami-7f5ff81f', 'snapid': 'snap-4f38bf1c'}}

AMI id for region and availability zone

config.HDFS_MASTER = ''

Url of the HDFS NameNode if not set the cluster created is an HDFS Cluster

config.INSTANCE_TYPE = 'r3.4xlarge'

Instance type

config.KEY_PAIR_PATH = '/home/meteos/gazzetta.pem'

KeyPair path for the instance

config.KILL_JAVA = 1

Kill every java application on the cluster

config.NUM_INSTANCE = 0

Number of instance to use

config.NUM_RUN = 1

Number of run to repeat the benchmark

config.PREV_SCALE_FACTOR = 1000

Important Settings if it is equals to SCALE_FACTOR no need to generate new data on HDFS

config.REBOOT = 0

Reboot the instances of the cluster

config.REGION = 'us-west-2'

Region of AWS to use

config.SECURITY_GROUP = 'spark-cluster'

Secutiry group of the instance

config.SPARK_HOME = '/usr/local/spark/'

Location of Spark in the ami

config.UPDATE_SPARK = 0

Git pull and build Spark of all the cluster


Pull the docker image in each node of the cluster


Git pull and build Spark only of the master node